Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Because I didn't get the greatest results from my MRI I began to think about death a lot and plan my funeral. Yep I went there.

Here you go...

My former pastor will do the celebration of life.
*There will be Prosecco for a toast made by my husband.
*I want a praise and worship time and the plan of salvation preached.
THEN I want an open mike. If you want to tell a story or talk kindly about me you can. OR the teacher in me wants paper so you can write a note down to be taped onto the wall.
*I want everyone to get a little glitter to take home and remember or to put on my casket.
*I want to be cremated.
*BALLOONS!!! On the balloon you can put a wish or note on it so when you let it go it makes its way to me. We know it doesn't work that way but its fun to think about it.
*Oh I just had a thought, there should be a time where you can turn to your nearest neighbor and introduce yourself and how you knew me.

I started to tell my husband all of this and he said to stop. Then I went to my doctors appointment. She said my 3 D's were all NOs... No drinking, No driving, No dying. Yep I made those up. Now my husband told me to plan my celebration party for when chemo is finished. I'm thinking it will have a touch of all of these things. Get ready. I will put an invite up here. Not like anyone is reading. I don't want the world to know about this space. Same with Twitter which I just started back up. I need somewhere to brain dump and it can't be facebook. Too many people who don't get to be part of this information. It would freak them out. Like my mouther in law.

2 posts in a day. Same with Twitter. Its a great day minus the bad sleep. My stupid dog who ate a half a package of ramen.

Leave a comment on your thoughts. If you think I'm crazy keep it too yourself. I already know it.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just want to say youre not alone. I am pretty young and have been fighting brain cancer since I was 3 and a half. I'm almost 25 now. I have what's called an Oligodendroglioma in my right occipital lobe, but it's more in between the two hemispheres of the brain and sits above my brain stem. Its pretty deep. I've had three operations...but only 2 successful ones. They deemed me inoperable a long time ago. But I am still here. My twin sister suffers from the same thing. She's in remission now. Hers was in her right frontal lobe(twice). I think about my funeral every day. Ever since I can remember. I understood what it meant at 5 years old when my mama said "Im sorry, M, they couldn't get it out." I cried... I know your pain. I know the constant emotional battle. I have planned my funeral so many times I've probably picked out over thousands of songs...the thing is though is that's just so negative to do to ourselves...we obsess over it.. And it hurts us more and our loved ones. I know its so hard to be positive. You are strong. You are still here and you are a miracle. Plan on living, not dying. It kills us faster in the end. I wish the best for you and I hope things get better. You are a warrior. I send my love and hope.
