Thursday, August 29, 2019


I was on a blogging run for a bit. Now I am just too tired to have anything inspiring or great to write. I had the best nights sleep at the beginning of the week. I woke up so rested. That NEVER happens. Last night my sleep was its normal awful self. I was up at 3:33 off and on until 5. I went through my mental prayer list and then some. I was holding my daughter for a bit and we both started to fall asleep. My meds are so crazy that I should really sleep well. NOPE! Any advice? My husband says too much coffee. I say no because my last cup is at 2pm.

So sorry for the quiet. Its not like I have lots of readers but the little bit I do have I would like to keep. If you just read this long boring post shoot me a comment please.

Smooches to an extra long weekend over here!

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